Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day Ten-Nowhere

I didn't go anywhere today. For two reasons: 1. the muscles running behind my shins were still very sore and 2. there was an incident about a mile or so away from my house where some inmates working outside near a highway overpowered a guard and escaped. They caught one apparently, and the other is on the loose. And coincidentally, there was NO information found online about this situation, especially since there are school buses and children being dropped off left and right in this area! Shoot, I found out through a phone call from mom dukes cause her co-worker got the word from her husband. I only left the house to pick up my daughter from the bus, b.u.t my NJ/NY roots run thick; I never leave the house unprepared. Dude would've met his maker if he ran up on me that's for sure!!

Anyway, I'm starting to get reeeeaaaallllyyyyyyy tired of this juicing routine. Like I said earlier I'm really not one for monotony. I may alternate days of feasting and 100% raw food consumption. My digestion shouldn't take too big a hit since I won't be consuming nuts and avocados. There's nothing like just digging into an organic orange and be on my way.

Did I mention the other day I bought some persimmons at the grocery store? I have to do some research on them; the sticker on the bottom says to eat them like an apple, and they are sure as hell hard as one...b.u.t I need to figure out more about them before I start pairing them with other fruits and stuff.

I've started crochet'ing again...it's such fun. :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day Nine....

Well, yesterday I walked 4.8 miles!!! I thought initially it was only 3, b.u.t after clocking it in Google Maps, what a nice (b.u.t sore) surprise. :)

I went to the store yesterday. Alone. The children were with grandma; one was taking a nap and the other was online playing Webkinz. I really just needed some time alone. It was just my iPod, re-usuable Publix Breast Cancer Awareness bag, and me. It was a nice walk and not hot..warm and breezy (like me *smile*). And to be honest I really didn't even NEED to go to the store b.u.t I'm realizing today as I'm juicing that I'll need to tomorrow. So guess who'll be lacing up her sneakers again. This time I'll have to bring my Sun b.u.t we have the stroller so it won't be so bad. I think I'll go early after I drop my daughter off at the bus stop because it's still cool at 8am.

In the next couple of weeks I'm going to be saving up for a sewing machine. I love those long shoulder bags, and would like to make some for myself and to sell. This should be fun since I haven't been on a sewing machine since 7th grade and I'm 30 now. O_o

Here's my Day 7 video:

I gotta be honest here, I'm really homesick. And it's tempting to want to stay down here with these foreclosed and short sale (gorgeous) condos on the market, b.u.t I know a lot of my business will be in NYC where it's flooded with culture. I miss hopping on the subway or bus and I'm in Manhattan in 20 minutes. I miss my honey...I miss my friends and monthly Parliaments in Harlem. *sigh*. I told my King that in 3 years I'll be back permanently. You never know, I may buy a condo down here and just be a 'Snowbird' and hang down here in the Winter. As long as I'm selling my goods online, I can sell them from anywhere, b.u.t in NYC there's so much more opportunity to vend at events and weekly artist markets. The Florida demographic down here is more geared toward Nature, the NYC demographic is more geared toward Culture and Truth.

This should be interesting.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day Seven-Make it Work

I've been on this like...rampage lately...and not in a negative way.

I figured out what I want, and how I want to go about it-I've been brainstorming and writing, envisioning and drawing...and I just haven't been hungry. I know this is not good, and I need to constantly consume juices and other liquids to keep myself hydrated and satisfied...b.u.t once I get started on something, I pretty much rawk it until the wheels fall off. I may not start drinking my lemon water until almost noon.

I'm starting to miss my raw foods....Juicing is great and I think I prefer juicing to smoothie making, b.u.t I'm not one fall into the same routine every single day. I'm a Gemini...I crave variety. I need a way to remedy this. I really strive to make my juices fresh and not in advance, plus there's no fridge space for me to house 4 mason jars anyway...I may modify the way I feast so I can stay on it for the duration, or modify it slightly. I'll be uploading a new video tomorrow; making a green juice....

hasta maƱana

Friday, October 15, 2010

Days Five and Six-Clarity

I had all the intention in the world of writing yesterday, b.u.t was hit with an epiphany so hard, that it completely consumed the rest of my day. That's a good thing. :) Sometimes we realize our calling in life and want to manifest it into reality, however obstacles such as the shitty ECONOMY make it difficult and even for some like me, almost impossible. If it were just me and fending for myself and say a couple of fish, then it would be more of an attainable goal, b.u.t as a mother that sacrifice always has to benefit the needs of your babies over your wants...

I love art....love visual art. I've never had any classes and can't draw still life to save my own, however I've found my own style of design and want to create wearable art that is lacking in the market. A few years ago I sold prints, which I will most likely do again, b.u.t I want to be out in public in the streets of Brooklyn and see my designs on the People. I want to awaken the 85% of the population who still consider liquor, chicken wings and other 'lower vibration' ways and actions a part of their daily routine.

On the evening of Day Four and yesterday I've written out a plan to get that started, and even designs had started flooding into my mind. It was what I have been needing to do. My mind would always overflow with words, visions and conversations constantly (I'm a Gemini), that I could never clear it out for even just a second. It's exhausting...
After my blog post on Day Four I did make it to the grocery store and purchased lots of organic oranges, plums, pears, celery, berries and even found some organic mint. I'm going to try a watermelon/raspberry/mint combo for lunch. This morning, probably just my usual green smoothie blend b.u.t with arugula this time. I wonder how that tastes.... ::elevation::

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day Four-Sexy

This morning I had to take my daughter to the dr's for her school physical. I love when people look at me crazy when I ask for an immunization exemption form. She hasn't had shots in over 3 years and is healthy as a horse. Shoooot, the girl is 8 and only 9 inches shorter than me.

I changed up my morning routine just a tad for today. Instead of starting off with the lemon water mixture I had some coconut water (pasteurized boooooo) that I had pre-feast and wanted to use. Plus I had seen an interview from Raw Foodist Aris La Tham saying that when you drink coconut water first thing in the morning it's like showering your body from the inside out; flushing out the toxins. So I drank that while at the dr's office.

When I got home I was soooooooooooooooooo tired. If I could get one good night's worth of rest I know I'd feel better, b.u.t for some reason I woke up and my Sun was not in the bed. He was standing next to the bed...doing what I have no idea. I think he may have been sleepwalking because he didn't make a sound. I told him to come to bed and he did. *shrugs*. Well anyway I attempted to take a short nap, b.u.t that was impossible since my Sun was up watching Dora, Diego and Umi Zoomi. After I laid there semi conscious for about an hour/hour and a half I got up and made some juice:

I call this Buddha Juice...

the one on the left is plum, mango and strawberries and the one on the right is my usual favorite green concoction of spinach, parsley, cucumbers, apple, lemon and this time with some added pineapple for 'volume'. I'm running out of fruits; only down to lemons, limes and a handful of blackberries. I'm good on the greens and carrots b.u.t I need to get to a store tonight and if no one takes me then damnit i'm walking.

I feel sexy today though. I did not get on the scale last night nor this morning...I don't want to fall back into that terrible habit of letting the scale dictate my day. B.u.t I feel like a change is slowly happening...is it because I'm not on my moon cycle anymore? Is the idea of juicing and my 'lady time' ending a combination placebo affect for making me feel this way? *shrugs* I would like to see how it changes next month....

You know what's hard? Not to nibble...not to taste test when I'm preparing food for the babies. That's like a 'mom habit'...testing to food to ensure it's not too hot, or to get them to eat....it's been really hard, b.u.t I'm doing well. Normally when the family is eating, I'm in my room...the further away, the better.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day Three-Lazy

Ok so last night after I posted the blog about that pain in my right side I started to feel it creep up again, b.u.t this time under my ribs on my left side. I laid down on my right side and it seemed to have went away for a lil' bit, then started to creep up again. So I sat there and reflected on everything I did yesterday....I did have a lot of tea, and was frequenting the bathroom so I chalked it up to dehydration, and went and got almost another quart's worth of water with some CELLFOOD in it, drank it, and it went away completely.

Today is kinda lackadaisical. My daughter was oh so kind enough to wake me up TWICE in the middle of the night last night so I am a little tired. I stayed in bed as long as I could this morning (7am) and I really want to take a nap. Plus I had a real funky dream (not a negative one), that I wish I could've finished to see where it had taken me.
Right now I'm finishing up a glass of celery, apple and lemon juice, and for later I have a plum, carrot and apple one in the fridge. I drank a good amount of the cantaloupe/spinach concoction earlier (ok like noon today), left over from last night, b.u.t it was too sweet for me.

I have not weighed myself today, b.u.t will strive to and post it tonight.

I know the second I lay down and close my eyes my Sun will wake me up.

that is life. :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Evening incident

So I'm sitting bed on the laptop hooking up my Vodpod account, and all of a sudden I was struck with this charlie-horse type pain in my lower right abdomen area...not sure what brought it on, b.u.t needless to say it laid me out for a good 30 seconds. After it subsided and slowly disappeared I felt fine...b.u.t now I'm thinking, 'I really need to get that hemp oil/coconut oil...just in case'. I won't be able to get it until Thursday, b.u.t I know that will be a crucial supplement. I do need some form of fat in my system.

Tonight's juice is cantaloupe and spinach. I definitely wanted to juice it before it went bad. Most of my fruit is on the kitchen table, and will not last too much longer. I'm up to 96 oz. right now a day. Tomorrow I'm going to strive to get the full 128 oz. I also know I need to juice more celery. I don't think I had any today *tsk tsk*

Time to crochet. :)